Hi, how can we help you?

We split bulk orders (500 pills or more) into several packages and ship them separately every 5 - 7 days to avoid any issues at customs and to reduce instances of entire shipments being confiscated and destroyed.

However, if your package doesn’t arrive owing to an error on behalf of the postal services, or was returned to sender, we will re-ship your order for free if it has not yet been received 30 days after dispatch. Alternatively, you can opt for a refund. Should you have any redelivery-related inquiries, please contact us.

If the order you received from us is incomplete or contains products you did not order, please contact us. If your order was incorrectly packed, we will send the correct or missing product as quickly as possible.

Where to Track Your Order

Once your order is in-country, please use your local governmental postal service website for the best tracking updates. Additionally, you can track all of your shipments at 17Track.

πŸ‘‰ USPS Tracking for all US orders (LKxxxxxxxxxFR, LPxxxxxxxxxIN, RRxxxxxxxxxAE or LTxxxxxxxxxSG).

Note: Shipments with an FR suffix (LKxxxxxxxxxFR) will not appear on the USPS website until they arrive in the USA;

πŸ‘‰ Asendia website for orders that have an FR suffix regardless of the destination country (LKxxxxxxxxxFR);

πŸ‘‰ 17Track can also be used for packages shipped from Dubai via Emirates Post for more accurate results (RRxxxxxxxxxAE);

πŸ‘‰ Royal Mail for parcels sent from India to the UK (RMxxxxxxxxxxxIN);

πŸ‘‰ India Post for packages sent from India to anywhere in the world (LPxxxxxxxxxIN, EAxxxxxxxxxxxIN or RMxxxxxxxxxIN);

πŸ‘‰ Australia Post for packages sent from India and Singapore to Australia (LPxxxxxxxxxIN, EMxxxxxxxxxIN or LTxxxxxxxxxSG);

Note: Shipments with an FR suffix (LKxxxxxxxxxFR) will not appear on the Australia Post website until they arrive in Australia;

πŸ‘‰ Singapore Post for packages shipped from Singapore for more accurate results (LTxxxxxxxxxxxSG);

πŸ‘‰ Singapore Post for packages shipped from India to Singapore (EAxxxxxxxxxxxIN);

πŸ‘‰ Swiss Post website for orders that have an CH suffix regardless of the destination country (LPxxxxxxxxxCH);

If your order has been assigned a tracking number, it means your package has been successfully shipped and your order status is In Transit. Order information may not appear in the tracking system until the shipment reaches the first local port in your country, so sometimes you may see "Unknown," "Pending," "Not Found," or "Tracking Does Not Exist.

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