Hi, how can we help you?

Yes, credit card payments on our website typically require both phone verification by Payofix - our payment processing partner; and calling your bank to authorize a foreign transaction.

What is phone verification?

Thus, you may need to call your bank to authorize a foreign transaction from Europe or China within 24 hours. Please, make sure you DO NOT mention our website, any drugs or tablets if you speak with your bank representative. Instead, you can tell that your transaction is related to online shopping without specifying a website. 

  1. Call the support phone number that’s shown on the back of your credit card.
  2. Tell the bank representative that you were trying to pay for some services online but that your payment was declined. Let them know the date and amount of the decline. Do NOT mention any drugs or our online pharmacy website.
  3. The representative will give you the exact reason for the decline and help you resolve the issue.
  4. Once the issue has been fixed and your bank approved the transaction, you can place a new order, try different cards until one works, or select a different payment method on the Checkout page. You will not be double charged because we will cancel your previous queued orders placed under the same name to avoid a duplicate charge.

Important Notes

  • Calling your bank is NOT a phone verification by Payofix (our payment processor). Make sure you DO NOT mention our website, any drugs or tablets if you speak with a bank clerk because credit card issuers prohibit direct purchases for prescription drugs online – they will never approve such a transaction. Instead, you can tell your bank that your transaction is related to online shopping without specifying a website.
  • If you have contacted your bank, but they don’t see any payment attempts made from our side, please get it touch with Payofix – our payment processing gateway and make sure that you are ready to respond to their phone verification attempts.
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